Wednesday, November 16, 2011

DIY.....and other lies by crafters.

I have so many ideas in my head that I have a big head.  Not in the "I'm so vain" sense but literally, a big head. When referring to re-do's or up-cycling or re-upholstering or down-sizing or re-purposing or side tables,  I want to go out and save the ugly project at a time but I don't have the time, so I limit my creativity to home and its half finished projects.  I have so many unfinished projects that my husband refused to sell our house and move to the lake out of fear of having to move our shit.  Our friends want us to spend every waking moment with them, until we discuss moving, then we don't hear from them for weeks...or months...or however long they think it will take for us to forget the idea of moving.  But I've gotten off track.....crafting.  There is no such thing as a Do It Yourself project.  You always have to involve your husband or your kids or your neighbor or your cat or your friends on Pinterest.  Nothing is done by yourself......unless it's chocolate chip cookies but that's another blog.  I really want to meet the person that concocted the idea of DIY and demand that they come help finish all of my projects....present and future.  Future, as in I'm going to dream up  a bunch of shit and make them finish it. 

My new acronym for projects is DIYASE (Do It Yourself And Someone Else)

In the meantime, with the assistance of a lot of vodka, ativan and time to blog, I'm going to start posting my projects and get my readers to help...with ideas... See?  there is no such thing as D.I.Y.......

Project #1 

Kitchen Rug:

I've been on a 3 year mission to find one of those rubber mats for the front of my sink that matches my kitchen. I might as well have been looking for the original presidential birth certificate, it doesn't exist.  I can find the kind my aunt used to use in 1967, those marbled beauties that saved every housewife's feet from fatigue while they were doing dishes in 3 inch heels and pearls, I can find those 1/312 inch rubber ones that pill up as soon you pick them off the shelf and I can find those half moon, 1/17464 inch carpeted ones that look like they're embroidered by blind Russian monks, but nothing at all to comprise what I feel is the ultimate husband dish washing foundation. 

Recently, I was considering using Mod Podge  for hair extensions (I consider using Mod Podge for everything, I've even toyed with the babysitting theme, like decoupaging the children to the chairs until I get back from Hobby Lobby) and something occurred to me; I love the curtains I made for my kitchen, why not make the illusive kitchen mat/rug?  I know it sounds like flight of ideas going from hair extensions to rugs but trust me, it's just A.D.D...... 

$10.00 rubber kitchen mat from Walmart

The Mod Podge was already applied when I suddenly remembered that I was trying to blog my DIYASE projects.  I also haven't been able to find the camera since the Las Vegas trip so iPhone photos will just have to do.

I suddenly have a rug in my kitchen that does indeed, match my kitchen.  I had plenty of fabric left over from the window treatments and Mod Podge did the rest.  I'm now bored with the fabric and want to re-do my windows but just for today, everything is harmonious. 

One of the truly incredible finds in the creation of this rug was a cutting wheel in the fabric department of Walmart (calling it a "Fabric Department" is a bit ambitious.......agreed).    Not only is it a round razor that would cut anything perfectly, it's Zebra colored and who doesn't want to work on their DIYASE without an animal print tool?  I didn't use a pair of scissors on this project, I laid the fabric down, put the rug on top of it, used that "works so much better than any other cutting wheel because it's animal print" cutting wheel and didn't have to trim so much as a hair when I finished it.